Pankaj Jain-Internet Marketing Blog-SEM Tips

April 20, 2006

My Story

Filed under: Uncategorized — by pankajj @ 6:17 pm

I just felt like sharing some things about myself. It was Jan 2005, we were planning to develop a website and were inviting quotes for programming and search engine ranking. For me at that time, search engine ranking was something, I would pay and there my website will start getting on top of the search results.

When I got the quotes for ranking above 200 thousand rupees, i decided that i cannot afford this, and lets forget the whole project. The quotation was left with some information including the term search engine optimization. That is when it all started.
I had a internet broadband connection, so started surfing for what is this search engine optimization all about. Read days and nights tiredlessly for months, subscribing for what ever news letters for SEO, downloading and testing all available seo softwares, testing on sample sites for about 1 year.

That is when I finally decided to persue a career in this & was lucky enough to get selected by one of the top internet company in my country. Now this is my second job and 3 months time and am paid double to what i started with. 


  1. Any good but inexpensive seo software out there ?;:-

    Comment by Ethan Jones — June 24, 2010 @ 5:01 am |Reply

  2. What is the best software the can be used to analyze the onpage SEO of a website?”-.

    Comment by Ashley Martinez — July 29, 2010 @ 5:42 pm |Reply

  3. seo softwares are generally very expensive. i would usually use the free ones only and some trial versions”~:

    Comment by Water Container : — October 25, 2010 @ 7:10 am |Reply

  4. i bought a lot of SEO Softwares and some of them are just very expensive and not so useful for the price ;’~

    Comment by Leather Wristbands — December 22, 2010 @ 7:20 pm |Reply

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